I hope all my American listeners had a great Thanksgiving. I am very thankful for all of you.
Today is a cautionary tale. Managed to set the game I was working on on fire... sleep is necessary, but so is remembering to remove a jumper before stopping for the night.
Today's Year of Flipperless - Exhibit's 1934 Lightning '36.
Compared to PAMCO's Contact:
Some discussion of a pre-war game I'm working on currently, and the Year of Flipperless game, Chicago Coin's 1934 Show Boat.
Scott Gullicks is part of Riot Pinball, LLC, who are best known for their creation "Wrath of Olympus", a full-size DMD-style pinball machine.
This year at Expo, Scott unveiled a new project, focused on portability and competition: "Dead Man's Hand", which is based heavily on the layout of the card-themed bingos.
Scott joins me to discuss his experience with bingos and the motivation behind the creation of "Dead Man's Hand".
Shortly after our interview, Riot Pinball announced a partnership with VPCabs to produce the game. It is available now at https://virtualpinball.com/products/dead-mans-hand