Drained is the latest game from For Amusement Only Games, and released on Nov. 21, 2022.
Molly Baldridge created all of the physical and digital artwork for Drained, and it was a lot of fun to be able to work together. Molly has been extremely supportive of my game development in the past, but committing to a project of this magnitude is something else entirely!
We discuss the art direction and in what order she tackled the various pieces within the game. All images were created using an open source digital illustration program called Krita https://krita.org using a Huion Kamvas 22.
To see the game:
The trailer (edited by Stephen Silver) was released yesterday: https://youtu.be/PsFLtYFZCio
Martin from Pinball News posted a writeup on the release: https://www.pinballnews.com/site/2022/11/21/drained-launched/
And This Week In Pinball published a Deep Dive: https://www.thisweekinpinball.com/drained-pinball-deep-dive/
If you are interested in learning more, please visit https://drainedpinball.com
Drained is the latest game from For Amusement Only Games, and will be releasing soon.
I wanted to discuss the creation of the soundtrack for the game with the composer, Charles Wolf.
Charles has composed music in many different styles and types for a huge array of projects. He is a very positive and professional collaborator, and I had great fun working with him on the sound design for Drained! I can't wait for you all to hear it!
We discuss his background, method of composing for Drained, the difference between creating sound effects when compared to full musical tracks, and some of his other works.
Intro: Drained Attract music.
Outro: Drained High Score music.
Venturer One - Lofi Scifi Concept Album -
Charles Wolf Music Website
Soundcloud Music Portfolio:
Email: charleswolfcomposer@gmail.com