The Multi-Bingo is coming along! New parts, new machines, new playfields - great!
Phil Bogema is bringing a beautifully restored Parade and a Show-Time to the Rocky Mountain Pinball Showdown! Check out those great (and unusual in the case of Parade) games.
June 9-11th in Denver, CO -
Universal 5 Star is a bingo pinball-style machine made before the first widely accepted bingo pinball machine!
Check out the pics on the right side. Weird, attractive game that looks very challenging.
Lots of interesting topics this episode - unfortunately, I have a head cold that is making me sound odd. Sorry about that.
IFPA posts an interesting document from a law firm representing the Amusement Devices Association to legalize pinball in Cincinnati.
The Multi-Bingo continues to progress - three more games are complete - in my cold-filled stupor I forgot to name the third or really any information about them. I also have other news on the Multi front. Something to look forward to for next episode?
Hobby Burn-out - I had a series of stressful events happen in close succession and felt like I wasn't enjoying owning games any longer due to not having time to play them. I posted them for sale and was contacted by multiple friends in quick succession asking me (politely) if I'd lost my mind. I thought about it, finished off some stressful things, cleaned up my gameroom, and did a complete 180 degree change on selling. This is the first time since I've been collecting that I've felt this way.
Keeney Eleven Belles - I unfortunately started to really lose my voice around this part, so I had to cut short what I was going to say, but this is another of the 'one-ball revival' games of 1960, designed by Ed Krynski.
I've been making my own harnesses and wiring up some new playfields in the Multi.
1) Shoot-A-Line
2) Gayety
3) Double-Up
Double-Up is only about 1/3 complete, but this will allow me to add another 20 games into the Multi, bringing me much closer to 100%.
In other news, shows everywhere this weekend! The VFW show including one of the lost playfield designs of Harry Williams (built by Duncan Brown) and the EM world championships, and Allentown are both this weekend. I hope everyone has a great time, and I hope to hear how the lost Williams game plays!
Ryan Claytor has produced another 3 sets of reproduction 1950's Gottlieb woodrail plastics! Coronation, Shindig and Joker are now available from the Pinball Resource. Put in your order today!
Today's featured game is PEO Manufacturing Corp's All American Football! A very unique and interesting game for 1935.