United's coin flash animations are in process - I discuss the mechanical differences between Bally and United games from the perspective of coin flash, then give some simple updates on Robo-Frenzy and Multi Races.
Jones Plugs are fantastic for allowing simple connection/disconnection of the head of a game or a coin door from the cabinet body, but it's important to double check these plugs when your game is having problems, especially if a new (to you) game, or a game that has recently been moved.
Lastly, the game for today is Gottlieb's "Double-Shuffle" from 1949. Twin scoring, similar to Twin Bill, but with a simple, fun sequence on either side of the playfield. Attractive artwork and backglass animation round out the package.
Extra special - 1/2 Million? Sign me up.
Thank you, as always, for listening!
You can reach me at foramusementonlypodcast@gmail.com or via the bingos line at 724-BINGOS-1
You can listen to the show on iTunes, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, Google Play Music, Spotify, Facebook, Twitter (bingopodcast) or follow me on Instagram (also bingopodcast).
The show's website is foramusementonly.libsyn.com
My friend Don (formerly of The Pinball Podcast) and I have started a new video-game focused podcast called Gaming on Ten Minutes a Week. Join us there if you like at http://gamingontenminutesaweek.libsyn.com
Thank you very much for listening, and I'll talk to you next time.